As a lover of cigars, I’ve always had a particular fascination with little cigars. These smaller versions of their traditional counterparts hold a special place in the world of luxury tobacco products. So what exactly are little cigars, and why do they appeal to so many cigar enthusiasts like myself?
Little cigars are smaller in size than regular cigars and typically have a length of around 5 inches and a ring gauge of 20 or less. They are often referred to as “cigarillos” or “cigarrillos” in Spanish, which translates to “small cigars.” They are usually made with a blend of tobacco that is similar to that of regular cigars, but in smaller proportions. Just like their larger counterparts, little cigars are also handmade and have a similar appearance, with a rolled wrapper and a cap on one end.
One of the main reasons why little cigars are so popular is their convenience. Due to their smaller size, they are more portable and easier to carry around. You can simply slip a few into your pocket or purse and enjoy them on the go, whether you’re out for a walk or running errands. This convenience makes little cigars a popular choice for those who lead busy lifestyles but still want to indulge in a good smoke.
But don’t let their size fool you; little cigars pack a powerful punch of flavor and aroma. They are perfect for those who want the full experience of smoking a cigar but don’t have the time to commit to a longer smoke. The taste of little cigars is often just as complex and rich as that of their larger counterparts, with a blend of different subtle notes and flavors.
Another appealing aspect of little cigars is their affordability. While regular cigars can be quite expensive, little cigars are often more budget-friendly. This makes them a great option for those who want to try out different blends and brands without breaking the bank. Plus, because they are smaller, you can indulge in a little cigar for a shorter period, making them cost-effective in the long run.
Little cigars also offer a variety of choices when it comes to flavors. They come in different blends, such as traditional tobacco, cherry, vanilla, and many more. This provides an opportunity for smokers to experiment with different flavors and find their perfect match.
One unique aspect of little cigars is that they can also be used as a “tiparillo.” This means that instead of smoking the whole cigar, you can cut off the tip and enjoy the remaining tobacco. This method is particularly popular among those who want a shorter smoke with less nicotine but still want to experience the full flavor of a cigar.
Like regular cigars, little cigars require proper storage to maintain their quality and freshness. They should be stored in a humidor at a constant humidity level of around 70%, as fluctuations in humidity can lead to a loss of flavor and a dry smoke. Additionally, little cigars should be stored away from direct sunlight and at a consistent temperature to prevent any damage to the wrapper and tobacco.
In terms of how to smoke a little cigar, the process is similar to that of a regular cigar. You can use a cutter or a punch to make a small hole at the closed end of the cigar and then light it up with a butane lighter. It’s important to use a butane lighter instead of a regular lighter, as the latter can affect the taste of the cigar. You can also use a match, but make sure to let it burn for a few seconds before lighting the cigar to avoid any unwanted flavors.
Smoking a little cigar is a leisurely experience that can be enjoyed alone or with friends. The smaller size of these cigars also makes them a popular choice for social gatherings, as they are easier to pass around and share. They are also a great companion for a relaxing evening on the porch or a night out with friends.
In conclusion, little cigars are a unique and enjoyable option for cigar enthusiasts. With their convenience, affordability, diverse flavors, and full-bodied taste, they offer a complete cigar experience in a smaller package. So next time you’re looking for a quick and satisfying smoke, give a little cigar a try; you might just find your new go-to indulgence.