As a cigar enthusiast, I’ve always been fascinated by the world of little cigars. While traditional cigars are known for their long and thick shape, little cigars offer a unique and compact smoking experience. In this article, I’ll dive into the history, types, flavors, and pros and cons of little cigars, so you can join me in appreciating this often overlooked smoking option.
History of Little Cigars
The history of little cigars can be traced back to the early 19th century when tobacco companies began to make smaller versions of traditional cigars. These smaller cigars were mainly used as a way to sample different blends and flavors before committing to a full-sized cigar. It wasn’t until the 1960s when little cigars gained popularity in the United States thanks to their affordability and convenience.
Types of Little Cigars
Little cigars can be categorized into two types: filtered and unfiltered. Filtered little cigars have a filter at one end, which helps to reduce the amount of tar and nicotine inhaled. On the other hand, unfiltered little cigars have no filter, allowing for a stronger and more traditional cigar smoking experience. You can also find flavored little cigars, as these are becoming increasingly popular among smokers. Some of the most common flavors include vanilla, chocolate, cherry, and menthol.
Flavors of Little Cigars
One of the reasons why little cigars have gained popularity in recent years is due to the wide variety of flavors available. As a cigar enthusiast, I enjoy trying new and unique flavors, and little cigars offer just that. From sweet and fruity to bold and spicy, there’s a flavor to suit every taste. Flavored little cigars can add a fun and refreshing twist to your smoking experience, making them perfect for social gatherings or a relaxing evening at home.
Pros of Little Cigars
One of the biggest advantages of little cigars is their affordability. They are much cheaper than traditional cigars, making them a budget-friendly option for avid smokers. Additionally, little cigars come in smaller packages, making them easy to carry and perfect for on-the-go smoking. I also appreciate the fact that little cigars offer a quicker and more convenient smoking experience compared to traditional cigars, which can take up to an hour to enjoy. Little cigars also have a milder and smoother taste, making them a great option for those who are new to cigars or prefer a less intense smoking experience.
Cons of Little Cigars
Despite their many benefits, little cigars do have some downsides. One of the biggest cons is that they are not hand-rolled like traditional cigars. Instead, they are machine-made, which can result in a less complex and nuanced flavor. Additionally, little cigars often use lower quality tobacco in order to keep costs down, which can result in a less satisfying smoking experience for seasoned cigar smokers.
Another con of little cigars is that they are often seen as a less sophisticated option compared to traditional cigars. This is due to their affordability and smaller size, which can give the impression that they are not as high-quality as traditional cigars. However, as someone who has tried both, I can say that little cigars can still offer a great smoking experience and should not be overlooked.
How to Smoke Little Cigars
Smoking little cigars is similar to smoking traditional cigars. You will need a cutter to remove the cap, which is the small piece of tobacco at the end of the cigar. Next, you will need a lighter or matches to light the cigar. Hold the cigar at a 45-degree angle and slowly rotate it while keeping the cigar about an inch away from the flame. This will ensure that the cigar is evenly lit. Once the cigar is lit, take slow and gentle puffs to savor the flavor.
Final Thoughts
Little cigars may not have the same prestige as traditional cigars, but they offer a unique and affordable smoking experience. Their wide variety of flavors makes them a fun and exciting option for smokers. While they may not have the same complexity as hand-rolled cigars, they are still a great choice for those looking for a quick and convenient smoke. So next time you’re looking for a new smoking experience, don’t forget to give little cigars a try.