As a regular cigar enthusiast, I am always on the lookout for new and interesting flavors to add to my collection. Recently, I came across little cigars, a smaller and more unique version of the traditional cigar.
Little cigars, also known as cigarillos, are exactly what they sound like – smaller versions of cigars. They typically measure around 3 inches in length and have a ring gauge of 20 or less. They come in a variety of flavors and are a popular choice among beginner cigar smokers.
One of the first things I noticed about little cigars is their appearance. Unlike traditional cigars, which are usually wrapped in a thick tobacco leaf, little cigars are encased in a tiny and delicate paper wrapper. This makes them more convenient to carry around and easier to light.
But don’t let their small size fool you – little cigars still pack a punch when it comes to flavor and aroma. They are made from high-quality tobacco leaves and are aged and fermented just like regular cigars, resulting in a complex and rich taste. Some popular flavors include vanilla, chocolate, and cherry, which add a unique twist to the traditional tobacco flavor.
One of the reasons why little cigars have gained popularity among cigar enthusiasts is their affordable price point. They are significantly cheaper than regular cigars, making them accessible to those who may not want to shell out a lot of money for a full-sized cigar. This also makes them a great option for those looking to try out different flavors without breaking the bank.
Another advantage of little cigars is their versatility. While traditional cigars are usually saved for special occasions or longer smoking sessions, little cigars can be enjoyed more frequently due to their smaller size. They are perfect for a quick smoke break during a busy day or for when you don’t have the luxury of time to sit and enjoy a regular cigar.
In terms of how to smoke little cigars, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, make sure to cut the end of the cigar before lighting. Since the paper wrapper is thinner than a traditional cigar’s leaf wrap, it can easily unravel if not cut properly. Also, be gentle when lighting the cigar, as the smaller size can make it more delicate.
One of the downsides of little cigars is that they don’t have the same complex and nuanced flavor profile as traditional cigars. This is due to their small size and the fact that they are not made of whole tobacco leaves like regular cigars. However, this does not take away from the fact that little cigars still offer a flavorful and enjoyable smoking experience.
Another drawback is that little cigars may not be as well-known or easily accessible as regular cigars. While some local tobacco shops may carry them, they may not have a wide variety of flavors to choose from. Online retailers may offer more options, but shipping costs can add up.
In my personal experience, little cigars are a great addition to any cigar collection. I love to pair them with a cup of coffee or after a meal for a quick and flavorful smoke. They also make for a perfect gift for beginners or for those looking to try something new.
Before trying little cigars, make sure to check your local laws and regulations as some states may have different restrictions on the sale and consumption of tobacco products.
In conclusion, little cigars may be a small and often overlooked cousin of the traditional cigar, but they offer a unique and affordable smoking experience. With their variety of flavors, convenience, and affordability, they are definitely worth a try for any cigar enthusiast. So, next time you’re looking to add something new to your cigar collection, don’t forget to give little cigars a chance.