Little cigars, also known as cigarillos or mini cigars, have been around for centuries, captivating the hearts of cigar enthusiasts all over the world. These petite smokes may be small in size, but they offer a big punch of flavor and satisfaction. As a cigar lover myself, I have had the pleasure of trying various brands and flavors of little cigars, and I must say, they never fail to impress me. In this article, I will share with you everything you need to know about little cigars, from their history to their flavors and everything in between.
History of Little Cigars
The roots of little cigars can be traced back to the 1800s when cigar production began to boom in the United States. During this time, cigar factories were trying to maximize their profits by creating a smaller version of the traditional cigar. These miniature cigars were first known as “minute cigars” and were mainly used as a quick smoke for people on-the-go. However, their popularity quickly spread, and they became a favorite among individuals who preferred a milder and shorter smoking experience.
In the early 1900s, the cigar industry in the US was hit hard by the rise of cigarettes. To keep up with the competition, cigar companies started offering smaller, cheaper, and more flavored cigars, catering to a wider market. This was the beginning of the modern little cigar we know and love today.
Characteristics of Little Cigars
Little cigars, as the name suggests, are smaller than traditional cigars, measuring around 3 inches in length and 20-24 ring gauge. They are usually made of a blend of tobacco fillers and a wrapper made of homogenized tobacco leaf or reconstituted tobacco. Unlike traditional cigars, they do not have a band or a cap, making them easy to identify.
One of the key characteristics of little cigars is their filter. Unlike traditional cigars, little cigars have a filter at the end to help reduce the amount of smoke and make the smoking experience smoother. This also makes them more accessible to beginners who may find the bold taste and strength of traditional cigars overwhelming.
Flavors of Little Cigars
One of the reasons why little cigars have become so popular is because of the vast array of flavors they come in. These petite smokes come in numerous flavors, ranging from sweet and fruity to rich and savory. Some of the popular flavors include vanilla, cherry, menthol, chocolate, and even coffee. The flavors are infused into the cigar during the manufacturing process, giving them a unique and distinct taste.
One of my personal favorites is the Swisher Sweets Little Cigars in strawberry flavor. The combination of smooth tobacco and sweet strawberry is a match made in heaven for my taste buds. I also enjoy a good Punch Little Cigar in rum flavor, which has a rich and bold taste that satisfies my cravings for a traditional cigar.
Smoking Experience
The smoking experience with little cigars is similar to that of traditional cigars, but with a few noticeable differences. The first thing you will notice is the size of the cigar, which is significantly smaller than your average cigar. This makes it an excellent choice for a quick smoke or for those who prefer a milder taste.
The filter and the added flavor also play a significant role in the smoking experience. The filter helps to reduce the harshness of the smoke, making it smoother and more enjoyable. The flavor, on the other hand, adds an extra layer of complexity, making every puff enjoyable and flavorful.
Pairing with Drinks
A good cigar and a fine drink go hand in hand, and little cigars are no exception. Due to their smaller size and milder taste, they can be paired with a wide range of drinks, including wine, whiskey, and even coffee. The key is to find a drink that complements the flavor of the cigar without overpowering it.
I personally enjoy pairing my little cigars with a glass of red wine, as the boldness of the cigar complements the rich and tannic flavor of the wine. For a more refreshing pairing, I opt for a menthol-flavored little cigar with a glass of iced tea. Experimenting with different drinks and cigars is part of the fun and can lead to discovering new and unexpected flavor combinations.
Affordability and Accessibility
One of the biggest advantages of little cigars is their affordability and accessibility. Unlike traditional cigars, which can cost a significant amount of money, little cigars are much more budget-friendly. They also come in a variety of pack sizes, making it easier to purchase according to your budget and needs.
Little cigars are also widely available, with many convenience stores, smoke shops, and online retailers carrying a wide selection of brands and flavors. This makes it easy for anyone to try them out and find their favorite flavor.
Potential Concerns and Misconceptions
While little cigars may offer a variety of flavors and a more accessible smoking experience, there are some concerns and misconceptions surrounding them. One of the biggest concerns is the use of homogenized tobacco leaf or reconstituted tobacco in the wrapper of little cigars. These types of tobacco are considered lower quality and may contain added chemicals and preservatives.
However, it is important to note that not all little cigars use these types of tobacco in their wrappers, and there are still plenty of natural, hand-rolled options available. It is crucial to do your research and read the ingredients and manufacturing process before making a purchase.
Another misconception is that little cigars are a safer alternative to cigarettes. While they may have a filter and some added flavors, little cigars still contain tobacco, which is harmful to our health. It is important to consume them in moderation and to be aware of the potential risks associated with smoking.
In conclusion, little cigars offer a unique and enjoyable smoking experience, with a wide variety of flavors and affordability. Whether you are a seasoned cigar aficionado or a beginner looking to try something new, little cigars are definitely worth a try. Just remember to smoke responsibly and enjoy every flavorful puff.