In 1987, Leon Jimenes premium little cigars were launched. This was originally done in order to perpetuate the great personal contribution of the Jimenez family to the Dominican Republic cigar culture and to the development of La Aurora factory. But soon this series of Leon Jimenes little cigars with a wide variety of vitols gained great recognition due to its mild taste, as well as a perfectly balanced and refined aroma.
Leon Jimenes little cigars are twisted from Connecticut Shade, a unique colored cover sheet grown in the shade of tents. In addition to the American cover, Dominican tobacco is used as a binder, and Dominican and Nicaraguan tobacco grown from Cuban seeds are used in the bag. These cigarillos are of superior construction with good grip and even burning. As a result, the aroma and taste of these Leon Jimenes little cigars is constantly evolving during smoking, the smoke is thick and saturated, but the cigarilla is not very strong.
Small, elegant, premium cigars of medium strength at an affordable price. Leon Jimenes little cigars have a mild balanced taste with creamy caramel and cedar shades. By the end of smoking, notes of black pepper in taste appear.
To date, the Dominican cigars that you can buy in our online store are worthy of competition with the legendary Cuban brands and even surpass them in some respects.
Dominican cigars are twisted with torsors at factories in several cities of the republic, namely manual twisting is the main distinguishing feature of the vitol of this region. It should be noted that not all cigars are composed exclusively of Dominican tobacco. Cigars from the Dominican Republic may also contain leaves grown in other countries, obscuring and ennobling its aroma, creating an original ensemble and a unique play of tastes.
Today, tobacco products from the regions of the republic occupy 60% of the market. And the World Tobacco Association (MTA) has recognized the Dominican Republic as a global producer and importer of excellent quality tobacco products.