As a cigar aficionado, I have tried many different types of cigars over the years. Big, bold, complex cigars have always been my go-to choice. However, I recently discovered a new love for little cigars. These mini versions of their larger counterparts have caught my attention and won a special place in my cigar collection. In this article, I will walk you through all there is to know about little cigars and why they are becoming increasingly popular among cigar enthusiasts.
First, let’s clarify what exactly a little cigar is. A little cigar is a smaller version of a traditional cigar, with a length of around 3-4 inches and a thinner ring gauge of 20-24. They are also commonly referred to as cigarillos or mini cigars. Unlike larger cigars, little cigars are machine-made, which results in a more consistent size and shape. They are also wrapped in homogenized tobacco leaf instead of the natural tobacco leaf used in premium cigars. But don’t let this deter you, as little cigars can still deliver a flavorful and enjoyable smoking experience.
One of the main reasons for the surge in popularity of little cigars is their convenience. Their compact size makes them perfect for a quick smoke when you don’t have the luxury of time. You can easily slip a few little cigars into your pocket or purse and have them ready to go whenever the craving hits. This also makes them a great option for social events, where you may not want to commit to a full-sized cigar but still want to partake in the smoking experience.
Another factor that makes little cigars appealing is their affordability. They are typically less expensive than traditional cigars, making them accessible to a wider range of smokers. This also makes them a great option for beginners who want to try out different cigar flavors without breaking the bank.
Speaking of flavors, little cigars come in a variety of options to suit different preferences. From the classic tobacco flavors to more adventurous options like fruit, sweet, and even chocolate, there is a little cigar to satisfy every taste bud. These flavored little cigars are perfect for those who may find the taste of traditional cigars too overpowering or harsh.
But don’t let their size and flavor options fool you, little cigars can still pack a punch. Due to their smaller size, the tobacco used in little cigars is typically stronger and more concentrated, resulting in a bolder smoking experience. This can be especially appealing to cigar smokers who enjoy a full-bodied cigar but don’t have the time for a longer smoke.
One misconception about little cigars is that they are not as high in quality as traditional cigars. Although they are machine-made, this does not equate to inferior taste or construction. The machines used to make little cigars are precise and efficient, producing a consistent and well-constructed product. Additionally, many little cigars are still made with premium tobacco blends, ensuring a quality smoking experience.
Now, let’s talk about how to properly enjoy a little cigar. First, you want to gently roll the cigar between your fingers to loosen up the tobacco. Then, use a cutter to make a clean cut on one end of the cigar. You can use a traditional cigar cutter or a simple guillotine cutter. After cutting, you can light up your little cigar just like you would a traditional cigar. However, since little cigars are smaller, you may need to take shorter and more frequent draws to prevent them from burning too quickly.
One thing to keep in mind when smoking little cigars is to not inhale the smoke. Since little cigars are made with homogenized tobacco leaves, they can be harsher on the throat when inhaled. The best way to enjoy a little cigar is to savor the flavor in your mouth and exhale slowly. This will give you the full taste experience without any discomfort.
Another tip is to pair your little cigar with a beverage. This could be your favorite scotch, bourbon, or even a cup of coffee. The flavors of the beverage can complement and enhance the flavors of the cigar, resulting in a more enjoyable experience overall.
In terms of storage, little cigars can be kept in the same way as traditional cigars. You can use a humidor to maintain the ideal humidity level of around 70%, which will help keep the little cigars fresh and flavorful. If you don’t have a humidor, you can also store them in a sealed container with a small piece of damp sponge inside to maintain humidity.
In conclusion, little cigars offer a convenient, affordable, and flavorful option for cigar enthusiasts of all levels. Whether you’re looking for a quick smoking fix, experimenting with different flavors, or simply enjoy the bold taste of a little cigar, they are a great addition to any cigar collection. I highly recommend trying them out and experiencing the joys of a little cigar for yourself. Happy smoking!